Graphical User Interface for CATHARE
GUITHARE is a common graphical user interface for both CATHARE 2 and CATHARE 3. It is developed on the SALOME desktop environment since 2004 in the frame of the NEPTUNE project. GUITHARE provides a Pre-processing and Post-processing platform for CATHARE numerical simulations. The pre-processing mode provides the following features:
- import, visualize, modify existing input data decks;
- create new input data decks from scratch;
- run CATHARE computations in interactive or batch mode.

The post-processing mode provides the following features:
- import result files from a previously completed computation;
- visualize variable of interest of a circuit, one or several elements;
- plot the time or/and space evolutions of different variables;
- generate frames to create a video animation;
- save a study (input deck, result files and printouts);
- scripting (Post-processing replay or automate).

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