Launch of CATHARE 1 development project, creation of a joined team between CEA and EDF
1983 |
1984 | Launch of CATHARE SIMU, a simplified CATHARE 1 version suitable for simulator applications
First CATHARE Users Club (CUC) | 1984 |
1986 | Qualification of revision 2 of the physical closure laws |
First tests on the BETHSY experimental facility, basis of CATHARE VV&Q process | 1986 |
1987 | Qualification of revision 3 of the physical closure laws |
Release of CATHARE 1 V1.3L, first validated version of the code | 1987 |
1988 | Qualification of revision 4 of the physical closure laws |
Launch of CATHARE 2 V1.3 development
| 1991 |
1993 | CATHARE SIMU is integrated into the SIPA engineering simulator at EDF & IRSN |
The 6th NURETH, International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, is organised in Grenoble, France
| 1994 |
1994 | Qualification of revision 5 of the physical closure laws |
Launch of CATHARE 2 V2.5 development
| 1996 |
1996 | First computation with the two-phase flow in the 3-D module of CATHARE 2 |
CATHARE SIMU is integrated into the SIPACT training simulator set up on the 19 French nuclear power plants operated by EDF | 1996 |
1997 | Release of the CATHARE 2 V1.3L industrial version
Launch of SCAR (Simulator CAthare Release) project associated with CATHARE 2 V2.5 development
| 2000 |
2002 | Begining of partnership with TechnicAtome for nuclear propulsion application |
Launch of NEPTUNE-System & NEPTUNE-CFD development in the frame of the NEPTUNE project
| 2003 |
2004 | Qualification of revision 6 of the physical closure laws |
Begining of partnership for space applications | 2005 |
2006 | First version of GUITHARE, the graphical user interface |
Launch of CATHARE 3 development in the frame of the NEPTUNE project
| 2009 |
2009 | Realease of CATHARE 2 V2.5_2 industrial version, a single version for various applications
CATHARE 2 is integrated into the engineering simulator SOFIA at IRSN  | 2009 |
2010 | First computation with the 3-field model of CATHARE 3
After 31 years in Grenoble, thermal-hydraulic activities, including CATHARE development, are transferred to Saclay
| 2012 |
2013 | CATHARE 2 is integrated into the EPR FA3 training simulator TREFLE at EDF |
First computation of the ASTRID concept with CATHARE
| 2014 |
2015 | First calculation of latent heat storage with CATHARE |
First computation with the REFPROP fluid library coupled to CATHARE 3
| 2016 |
2017 | CATHARE 2 is integrated into the engineering & training simulator SIRENE at EDF and progressively integrated into the CP1/CP2 SIROCCO full scope training simulator in nuclear power plants  |
Release of CATHARE 3 V2.1alpha, first CATHARE version with a source code in C++  |
2019 |
2019 | First computation with the predictive 1-D turbomachinery model of CATHARE 3
Release of CATHARE 3 V2.1, first validated version for PWR applications of the CATHARE 3 code |
2021 |
| First computation with the new 3D module based on TRUST platform |