M. Lanfredini, D. Bestion, F. D'Auria et al. | TPTF horizontal flow prediction by SYS-TH codes - Recent analyses made within the FONESYS network | 2/1/2023 |
A. Ciechocki, S. Carnevali, D. Bestion, L. Rossi | Scaling analyses of a SB-LOCA counterpart test between BETHSY and LSTF facilities and a three loops PWR | 12/15/2022 |
S. Shoala, E. Ercolani, J-M. Poncet, C. Hoa, F. Ayela | CATHARE modelling of the HELIOS loop for the study of heat transfer to supercritical helium flowing in pipes following loss of insulating vacuum | 9/1/2022 |
V. Martinez-Quirog et al. | OECD/NEA PKL-4 benchmark activity. Code assessment of the relevant phenomena associated to a blind IBLOCA experiment | 4/1/2022 |
A. Ciechocki, S. Carnevali, D. Bestion, L. Rossi | Application of the FSA scaling method to the LSTF ROSA 1.2 test and comparison to an application of the H2TS method | 3/1/2022 |
| Assessment of stratification and entrainment models in CATHARE 3 code against TPTF-H and Mantilla experiments | 3/1/2022 |
A. Du Cluzeau, P. Fillion | Validation of the CATHARE 3 code based on Rod Bundle Heat Transfer (RBHT) benchmark data using two-fluid and three-field models | 3/1/2022 |
| Multi-Scale study of an innovative safety system for Pressurized water reactors | 2/1/2022 |
| Towards more efficient implementations of multiscale thermal-hydraulics | 9/1/2021 |
J-M. Labit, N. Seiler, O. Clamens, E. Merle | Thermal-hydraulic two-phase modeling of reactivity-initiated transients with CATHARE2 - Application to SPERT-IV simulation | 9/1/2021 |
| Adaptive use of replicated Latin Hypercube Designs for computing Sobol' sensitivity indices | 8/1/2021 |
| CATHARE simulation results of the natural circulation characterisation test of the PKL test facility | 5/1/2021 |
J-M. Labit, N. Seiler, O. Clamens, E. Merle | Transient heat exchanges under fast Reactivity-Initiated Accident | 3/1/2021 |
J-M. Labit, N. Seiler, O. Clamens, E. Merle | Multiphysics CATHARE2 modeling and experimental validation methodology against CABRI transients | 3/1/2021 |
J-M. Labit, N. Seiler, O. Clamens, E. Merle | Nusselt correlation development in unsteady laminar gas flows for CABRI multiphysic simulations with CATHARE2 | 3/1/2021 |
N. Marie, S. Li, A. Marrel, M. Marques, S. Bajard, A. Tosello, J. Perez, B. Grosjean, A. Gerschenfeld, M. Anderhuber, C. Geffray, Y. Gorsse, G. Mauger, L. Matteo | VVUQ of a thermal-hydraulic multi-scale tool on unprotected loss of flow accident in SFR reactor | 2/5/2021 |
| Modeling of a cold thermal energy storage for the flexibility of thermal power plants coupled to Brayton cycles | 1/1/2021 |
| Hot duct break transient with two- and three-loop ALLEGRO models | 12/15/2020 |
| CATHARE simulation results of the natural circulation characterisation test of the PKL test facility | 11/26/2020 |
R. Prea, P. Fillion, L. Matteo, G. Mauger, A. Mekkas | CATHARE-3 V2.1: The New Industrial Version of the CATHARE Code | 10/20/2020 |
| Modelisation multiphysique des transitoires d'insertion de reactivite et methodologie de validation appliquee au reacteur CABRI | 10/15/2020 |
M. Lanfredini, D. Bestion, F. D Auria, N. Aksan, P. Fillion, P. Gaillard | Critical flow prediction by system codes - Recent analyses made within the FONESYS network | 9/1/2020 |
S. Sulayman, C. Hoa, E. Ercolani, J-M Poncet, K-C LeThanh, F. Dupouy | Adaptation of the nuclear safety code CATHARE3 to supercritical helium flow | 7/18/2020 |
N. Alpy, M. Anderhuber, A. Gerschenfeld, J. Perez-Manes | Some numerical achievements on Na boiling dynamics and next technical route | 7/15/2020 |
H. Espargilliere, G. Mauger, Q. Blondel, N. Tauveron, B. Gonzalez | Validation of organic Rankine cycle simulations under transient conditions with CATHARE-3 code | 6/29/2020 |
| Bayesian inference and non-linear extensions of the CIRCE method for quantifying the uncertainty of closure relationships integrated into thermal-hydraulic system codes | 4/1/2020 |
A.Grange, A.Marrel, J.B.Droin, F.Bertrand, O.Boutin, J.H.Ferrasse | Loss of off-site power transient analysis for a sodium-cooled fast reactor equipped with a gas power conversion system and preliminary optimisation of its operation | 12/15/2019 |
L. Matteo, G. Mauger, A. Dazin, N. Tauveron | Simulation of a Radial Pump Fast Startup and Analysis of the Loop Response Using a Transient 1D Mean Stream Line Based Model | 11/26/2019 |
N. Forgione, D. Martelli, G. Barone, F. Giannetti, P. Lorusso, T. Hollands | Post-test simulations for the NACIE-UP benchmark by STH codes | 11/1/2019 |
V. Narcisi, F. Giannetti, A. Del Nevo, F. Alcaro, A. Gerschenfeld | System thermal-hydraulic modelling of the phenix dissymmetric test benchmark | 11/1/2019 |
| Modelisation unidimensionnelle du comportement d'une pompe rotodynamique en fonctionnement normal et accidentel. | 10/17/2019 |
L. Matteo, G. Mauger, N. Tauveron | Modelling of a converging/diverging tube using CATHARE-3 two-phase flow system code for sodium cavitation studies | 9/17/2019 |
L. Matteo, G. Mauger, P. Gyomlai, A. Dazin, N. Tauveron | A rotodynamic pump seizure transient simulated using the CATHARE-3 one-dimensional pump model | 8/18/2019 |
A. Bousbia Salah, J. Martin | CATHARE 3D Modeling Capability of a Small-Scale Pool Test Rig Experiments | 8/18/2019 |
| Development of the CATHARE 3 Three-Field Model for Simulations in Large Diameter Horizontal Pipes | 8/18/2019 |
| Development, Verification and Validation of the Multi-Scale CATHARE - NEPTUNE_CFD Coupling | 8/18/2019 |
G. Mauger, M. Hochart, B. Grosjean, P. Taraud, B. Morassano | Modelling of the DIADEMO Experiment with the CATHARE Code for ASTRID Gas Power Conversion System Studies | 8/18/2019 |
D. Pialla, M. Ludmann, K. Vareille | Preliminary Tasks to Integrate CATHARE_2 3D Reactor Vessel Module in Real-Time Simulators at EDF/DT | 8/18/2019 |
M. Anderhuber, A. Gerschenfeld, Y. Gorsse, N. Alpy, C. Latge, J. Perez-Manes | Prospects for a CEA and ROSATOM/IPPE collaborative program on Na boiling for GEN IV SFRs safety rationale and thermal-hydraulic preparatory work | 8/18/2019 |
T. Lopez, L. Matteo, D. Bestion | Validation of a Drift-Flux Model Used in the CATHARE Code for Rod Bundle Geometry at Low Pressure and Low Liquid Flow Conditions | 8/18/2019 |
| Validation of Cathare 3D Module on LSTF Core | 8/18/2019 |
L. Matteo, F. Cerru, A. Dazin, N. Tauveron | Investigation of the pump, dissipation and inverse turbine operating modes using the CATHARE-3 one-dimensional rotodynamic pump model | 7/28/2019 |
L. Matteo, A. Dazin, N. Tauveron | Modelling of a centrifugal pump using the CATHARE-3 one-dimensional transient rotodynamic pump model | 6/27/2019 |
M. Vernassiere, P. Fillion, D. Bestion | A mechanistic flashing model for critical flowrate prediction using CATHARE 3 system code | 5/15/2019 |
L. Matteo, G. Mauger, A. Dazin, N. Tauveron | Qualification of the CATHARE-3 one-dimensional transient rotodynamic pump model on DERAP two-phase cavitating tests | 5/12/2019 |
B. Kvizda, G. Mayer, P. V cha, J. Malesa, A. Siwiec, A. Vasile, S. Bebjak, B. Hatala | ALLEGRO Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) demonstrator thermal hydraulic benchmark | 4/15/2019 |
L. Matteo, G. Mauger, A. Dazin, N. Tauveron | Modelling of a radial pump fast startup with the CATHARE-3 code and analyse of the loop response | 4/7/2019 |
G. Mauger, N. Tauveron, F. Bentivoglio, A. Ruby | On the dynamic modeling of Brayton cycle power conversion systems with the CATHARE-3 code | 2/1/2019 |
L. Matteo, A. Dazin, N. Tauveron | Development and validation of a one-dimensional transient rotodynamic pump model at component scale | 9/17/2018 |
M. Spirzewski, H. Anglart | An improved phenomenological model of annular two-phase flow with high-accuracy dryout prediction capability | 5/1/2018 |
J.-B. Droin, V. Pascal, P. Gauthe, F. Bertrand, G. Mauger | CATHARE3 transient analysis of an innovative Power Conversion System based on the Brayton cycle modelled with real gas Equations Of State | 4/8/2018 |
| A general thermal stratification criterion for single and two-phase flows in a pipe after subcooled injection | 4/1/2018 |
| A roe-type numerical solver for the two-phase two-fluid six-equation model with realistic equation of state | 1/1/2018 |
A. Rousset, R. Baviere, V. Vuillerme | Development and application of a multi-domain dynamic model for direct steam generation solar power plant | 1/1/2018 |
N. Chikhi, F. Fichot, A. Swaidan | Effect of water entrainment on the coolability of a debris bed surrounded by a by-pass: Integral reflood experiments and modelling | 12/1/2017 |
P.Battistoni, D.Tarabelli, L.Ferry, C.Gonnier, S.Manservisi, M.Sumini | Thermal-hydraulic analysis of the LORELEI test design by means of CATHARE2 V2.5 | 10/1/2017 |
R. Prea, V. Figerou, A. Mekkas, A. Ruby | CATHARE 3 : A first computation of a 3 inch break Loss-Of-Coolant Accident using using both Cartesian and cylindrical 3D-meshes modeling of a PWR vessel | 9/3/2017 |
M. Anderhuber, J. Perez, N. Alpy | Validation of CATHARE 3 system code for sodium two phase flow application: R&D path and simulation of key test from the SIENA program | 9/3/2017 |
A.Kovtonyuk, S.Lutsanych, F.Morettia, F.D'Auria | Development and assessment of a method for evaluating uncertainty of input parameters | 9/1/2017 |
| Modelling of turbulent effects in LOCA conditions with CATHARE-3 | 9/1/2017 |
S. Lutsanych, F. Moretti, F. D'Auria | Validation of the CATHARE 1-D and 3-D reflood models against FEBA and ACHILLES experimental tests | 9/1/2017 |
E. Bubelis, A. Tosello, W. Pfrang, M. Schikorr, J. Wallenius | System codes benchmarking on a low sodium void effect SFR heterogeneous core under ULOF conditions | 8/15/2017 |
A. Ghione, B. Noel, P. Vinai, C. Demaziere | Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for the simulation of a station blackout scenario in the Jules Horowitz Reactor | 6/1/2017 |
G. Mignot, E. Royer, B. Rameau, N. Todorova | Computation of a BWR Turbine Trip with CATHARE-CRONOS2-FLICA4 Coupled Codes | 4/10/2017 |
A. Bousbia Salah, J. Vlassenbroeck | Unsteady Single-Phase Natural Circulation Flow Mixing Prediction Using CATHARE Three-Dimensional Capabilities | 4/1/2017 |
R.Pegonen, S.Bourdon, C.Gonnier, H.Anglart | An improved thermal-hydraulic modeling of the Jules Horowitz Reactor using the CATHARE2 system code | 1/1/2017 |
F. Bertrand, G. Mauger, M. Bensalah, P. Gauthe | Transient behavior of ASTRID with a gas power conversion system | 11/1/2016 |
M. Pawluczyk, P. Mazgaj, S. Gurgacz, M. Gatkowski, P. Darnowski | Loss of Coolant Accident in Pressurized Water Reactor. Prediction of a 6-inch Cold Leg Break with Relap5 and Cathare 2 | 1/1/2016 |
N. Alpy, P. Marsault, M. Anderhuber, A. Gerschenfeld, P. Sciora, D. Kadri | Phenomenological Investigation of Sodium Boiling in a SFR Core during a postulated ULOF Transient with CATHARE 2 System Code: a Stabilized Boiling Case | 10/13/2015 |
J. Perez, N. Alpy, D. Juhel, D. Bestion | CATHARE 2 simulations of steady state air/water tests performed in a 1:1 scale SFR sub-assembly mock-up | 9/1/2015 |
G. Mauger, F. Bentivoglio, N. Tauveron | Description of an Improved Turbomachinery Model to be Developed in the CATHARE 3 code for ASTRID Power Conversion System | 8/30/2015 |
| Scaling considerations about LWR core thermalhydraulics | 8/30/2015 |
M. Anderhuber, A. Gerschenfeld, N. Alpy, J. Perez, J. M. Seiler | Simulation of GR19 sodium boiling experiments with CATHARE 2 system code and Trio UúMC subchannel code | 8/30/2015 |
| System Thermalhydraulics for DBA analysis and simulation status of tools and methods and direction for future R&D | 8/30/2015 |
P. Gaillard, D. Bestion, I. Dor, P. Germain, F. Moutin | The CATHARE code condensation modelling confronted to the TOPFLOW-PTS steady-state experiments | 8/30/2015 |
Y. Di Pasquale, R. Freitas | Validation of CATHARE 3 code on the PIEROT experiment | 8/30/2015 |
| Validation of CATHARE code on the 3D ROSA-LSTF pressure vessel | 8/30/2015 |
S. Lutsanych, F. Moretti, F. D'Auria | Validation of CATHARE TH-SYS code against experimental reflood tests | 8/30/2015 |
M.S. Chenaud, S. Li, M. Anderhuber, L. Matteo, A. Gerschenfeld | Computational thermal hydraulic schemes for SFR transient studies | 8/28/2015 |
D. Pialla, D. Tenchine, S. Li, P. Gauthe, X. Cheng | Overview of the system alone and system/CFD coupled calculations of the PHENIX Natural Circulation Test within the THINS project | 8/15/2015 |
| Preliminary study of the decay heat removal strategy for the gas demonstrator allegro | 5/1/2015 |
S. Lutsanych, L. Sabotinov, F. D'Auria | Critical power prediction by CATHARE2 of the OECD/NRC BFBT benchmark | 3/1/2015 |
G. Bandini, M. Polidori, A. Gerschenfeld, D. Pialla, L. Maas | Assessment of systems codes and their coupling with CFD codes in thermal-hydraulic applications to innovative reactors | 1/1/2015 |
R. Pegonen, S. Bourdon, C. Gonnier, H. Anglart | A review of the current thermal-hydraulic modeling of the Jules Horowitz Reactor: A loss of flow accident analysis | 12/1/2014 |
A. Hainoun, A. Doval, P. Umbehaun, S. Chatzidakis, A. Shokr | International benchmark study of advanced thermal hydraulic safety analysis codes against measurements on IEA-R1 research reactor | 12/1/2014 |
L. Fernandez-Moguel, C. Bals, E. Beuzet, C. Bratfisch, P. Vryashkova | SARNET2 benchmark on air ingress experiments QUENCH-10 | 12/1/2014 |
G. Grasso, C. Petrovich, D. Mattioli, C. Artioli, K. Mikityuk | The core design of ALFRED, a demonstrator for the European lead-cooled reactors | 10/15/2014 |
R. Baviere, N. Tauveron, F. Perdu, E. Garre, S. Li | A first system/CFD coupled simulation of a complete nuclear reactor transient using CATHARE2 and TRIO_U. Preliminary validation on the Phenix Reactor Natural Circulation Test | 10/1/2014 |
Z. Perko, D. Lathouwers, J. L. Kloosterman, T. van der Hagen | Large scale applicability of a Fully Adaptive Non-Intrusive Spectral Projection technique: Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of a transient | 9/1/2014 |
L. Foucher, F. Cousin, J. Fleurot, S. Brethes | Assessment on 900-1300 MWe PWRs of the ASTEC-based simulation tool of SGTR thermal-hydraulics for the IRSN Emergency Technical Centre | 6/1/2014 |
A. Bousbia Salah, J. Vlassenbroeck | Assessment of the CATHARE 3D capabilities in predicting the temperature mixing under asymmetric buoyant driven flow conditions | 12/1/2013 |
P. Ruyer, N. Seiler, B. Biton, F. Lelong, M. Gradeck | Two-phase flow across a partially damaged core during the reflood phase of a loca | 11/1/2013 |
D. Mladin, M. Mladin, A. Toma, C. Dulama, S. Covaci | Calculation of radioactive species transport in a TRIGA reactor | 9/1/2013 |
D. Bestion, M. Chandesris, I. Dor, G. Serre, M. Valette | Developpements en double phase. 3D-Poreux de CATHARE | 1/1/2013 |
B. Faydide, J.L. Vacher, J.Y. Sauvage, P. Dufeil | Modelisation Physique: CATHARE dans les simulateurs | 1/1/2013 |
| Le simulateur SOFIA ses utilisations a l'IRSN pour la surete | 1/1/2013 |
D. Tenchine, D. Pialla, P. Gauthe, A. Vasile | Natural convection test in Phenix reactor and associated CATHARE calculation | 12/1/2012 |
F. Bertrand, C. Bassi, F. Bentivoglio, F .Audubert, C. Gueneau, G. Rimpault | Synthesis of the safety studies carried out on the GFR2400 | 12/1/2012 |
| Revisiting the QUENCH-11 integral reflood test with a new thermal-hydraulic model: Existence of a minimum injection rate | 11/1/2012 |
N. Chikhi, N. G. Nguyen, J. Fleurot | Determination of the hydrogen source term during the reflooding of an overheated core: Calculation results of the integral reflood test QUENCH-03 with PWR-type bundle | 9/1/2012 |
| Analysis of subchannel and rod bundle PSBT experiments with CATHARE 3 | 8/29/2012 |
G. Geffraye, V. Kalitvianski, L. Maas, P. Meloni, F. Cocheme | CATHARE 2 code validation on HE-FUS3 loop | 8/1/2012 |
J. Vallory, H. Boyer, F. Moreno, D. Kadri | Overview of the specialist assessments undertaken to support the JET safety case review | 8/1/2012 |
N. Tauveron, F. Bentivoglio | Preliminary design and study of the indirect coupled cycle: CATHARE2 transient results | 5/1/2012 |
D. Tenchine, R. Baviere, P. Bazin, F. Ducros, N. Tauveron | Status of CATHARE code for sodium cooled fast reactors | 4/1/2012 |
A. Epiney, N. Alpy, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla | A standalone decay heat removal device for the Gas-cooled Fast Reactor for intermediate to atmospheric pressure conditions | 1/1/2012 |
G. Bandini, P. Meloni, M. Polidori, C. Lombardo | Validation of CATHARE V2.5 thermal-hydraulic code against full-scale PERSEO tests for decay heat removal in LWRs | 12/1/2011 |
G. Geffraye, O. Antoni, M. Farvacque, D. Kadri, A. Ruby | CATHARE 2 V2.5_2: A single version for various applications | 11/1/2011 |
P. Emonot, A. Souyri, J. L. Gandrille, F. Barre | CATHARE-3: A new system code for thermal-hydraulics in the context of the NEPTUNE project | 11/1/2011 |
M. Valette, J. Pouvreau, D. Bestion, P. Emonot | Revisiting large break LOCA with the CATHARE-3 three-field model | 11/1/2011 |
N.Tauveron, I.Dor, F.Bentivoglio | Study of nitrogen injection to enhance forced convection for gas fast reactors | 9/1/2011 |
F. Bertrand, T. Germain, F. Bentivoglio, F. Bonnet, Q. Moyart, P. Aujollet | Safety study of the coupling of a VHTR with a hydrogen production plant | 7/1/2011 |
Yu Zvonarev, A. Volchek, V. Kobzar, P. Chatelard, J. P. Van Dorsselaere | ASTEC and ICARE/CATHARE modelling improvement for VVERs | 4/1/2011 |
C. Bassi, Ph.Azria, M.Balmain | Level 1 probabilistic safety assessment to support the design of the CEA 2400 MWth gas-cooled fast reactor | 11/1/2010 |
M. Burger, M. Buck, G. Pohlner, S. Rahman, K. Atkhen | Coolability of particulate beds in severe accidents: Status and remaining uncertainties | 1/1/2010 |
A. Auvinen, G. Brillant, N. Davidovich, R. Dickson, N. Ver | Progress on ruthenium release and transport under air ingress conditions | 12/1/2008 |
F. Bentivoglio, N. Tauveron, G. Geffraye, H. Gentner | Validation of the CATHARE2 code against experimental data from Brayton cycle plants | 11/1/2008 |
N. Seiler, F. Bertrand, O. Marchand, G. Repetto, S. Ederli | Investigations on boron carbide oxidation for nuclear reactors safety-General modelling for ICARE/CATHARE code applications | 4/1/2008 |
F. Bentivoglio, N. Tauveron | Validation of the Cathare2 code against Oberhausen II data | 1/2/2008 |
E. Bubelis, D. Castelliti, P. Coddington, I. Dor, R. Stainsby | A GFR benchmark: Comparison of transient analysis codes based on the ETDR concept | 1/1/2008 |
E. Studer, A. Beccantini, S. Gounand, F. Dabbene, J. C. Garnier | CAST3M/ARCTURUS: A coupled heat transfer CFD code for thermal-hydraulic analyzes of gas cooled reactors | 9/1/2007 |
P. Dumaz, P. Allegre, C. Bassi, T. Cadiou, A. Tosello | Gas-cooled fast reactors-Status of CEA preliminary design studies | 6/1/2007 |
A. Guelfi, D. Bestion, M. Boucker, P. Boudier, P. Fillion, M. Grandotto | NEPTUNE: A new software platform for advanced nuclear thermal hydraulics | 1/1/2007 |
S. Mimouni, A. Archer, J. Lavieville, M. Boucker, N. Mechitoua | Modelisation et simulation des ecoulements cavitants par une approche diphasique | 12/1/2006 |
N. Kolev, N. Petrov, B. Ivanov, K. Ivanov | Simulation of the VVER-1000 pump start-up experiment of the OECD V1000CT benchmark with CATHARE and TRAC-PF1 | 11/1/2006 |
F. Fichot, F. Duval, N. Tregoures, C. Bechaud, M. Quintard | The impact of thermal non-equilibrium and large-scale 2D/3D effects on debris bed reflooding and coolability | 10/1/2006 |
J. P. Van Dorsselaere, F. Fichot, J. M. Seiler | Views on R&D needs about in-vessel reflooding issues, with a focus on debris coolability | 10/1/2006 |
M. Saez, N. Tauveron, T. Chataing, G. Geffraye, N. Alborghetti | Analysis of the turbine deblading in an HTGR with the CATHARE code | 3/1/2006 |
N. Tauveron, M. Saez, M. Marchand, T. Chataing, C. Bassi | Transient thermal-hydraulic simulations of direct cycle gas cooled reactors | 12/1/2005 |
G. Geffraye, F. Bentivoglio, A. Messie, A. Ruby, M. Saez, N. Tauveron, O. Widlund | Overview of gas cooled reactors' applications with CATHARE | 10/2/2005 |
| Multiscale analysis of nuclear reactors thermal-hydraulics - the Neptune project | 10/1/2005 |
| Calculation of dry out and post-dry out heat transfer in rod bundles using a three field model | 4/1/2005 |
P.Dumaz, G.Geffraye, V.Kalitvianski, E.Verloo | The DEEPSSI project, design, testing and modeling of steam injectors | 2/1/2005 |
| Prediction of dryout and post-dryout heat transfer at high pressures using a one-dimensional three-fluid model | 10/1/2004 |
F. Fichot, B. Adroguer, A. Volchek, Y. Zvonarev | Advanced treatment of zircaloy cladding high-temperature oxidation in severe accident code calculations: Part III. Verification against representative transient tests | 7/1/2004 |
P. Marsault, C. Renault, G. Rimpault, P. Dumaz, O. Antoni | Pre-design studies of SCWR in fast neutron spectrum: evaluation of operating conditions and analysis of the behaviour in accidental situations | 6/13/2004 |
| Volumetric interfacial area prediction in upward bubbly two-phase flow | 1/1/2004 |
| Study of release of nitrogen gas dissolved in water during depressurisation-application to primary circuit of PWR | 10/1/2003 |
A. Ruby, O. Antoni, V. Creach, P. Dufeil, C. Rose, F. Iffenecker | Quest for the real-time for the safety analysis code CATHARE 2 used in the post-accident simulator SIPA | 9/22/2003 |
| Thermal fluctuations in the lower plenum of an high temperature reactor | 6/1/2003 |
| Preliminary calculations of a supercritical light water reactor concept using the CATHARE code | 5/4/2003 |
| Determination of the uncertainties of the constitutive relationships in the CALTHARE 2 code | 9/1/2001 |
| List of benchmarks for simulation tools of steam-water two-phase flows | 4/8/2001 |
| Two-phase water-hammer simulation with the CATHARE code | 4/8/2001 |
L. N. Topilski, X. Masson, M. T. Porfiri, T. Pinna, C. Girard | Validation and benchmarking in support of ITER-FEAT safety analysis | 4/1/2001 |
J. Tuunanen, J. Vihavainen, F. D'Auria, M. Frogheri, T. G Williams | Analyses of PACTEL passive safety injection experiments with APROS, CATHARE and RELAP5 codes | 6/1/2000 |
G. Geffraye, B. Faydide, S. Laroche, G. Ratel | Analysis of the Mhyresa hot leg entrainment tests | 4/2/2000 |
M. Misale, M. Frogheri, F. D'Auria, E. Fontani, A. Garcia | Analysis of single-phase natural circulation experiments by system codes | 12/1/1999 |
T. Chataing, P. Clement, J. Excoffon | A general correlation for steam condensation in case of wavy laminar flow along vertical tubes | 10/3/1999 |
| Strategy for improving two-phase 3D modelling for nuclear safety applications | 10/3/1999 |
| Validation of the CATHARE code against PERICLES 2D boil-up tests | 10/3/1999 |
| Validation of the CATHARE code against PERICLES 2D reflooding tests | 10/3/1999 |
P. Sardain, M. Porporat, J. M. Gatt, G. Marbach | Applications of the CATHARE and CONTAIN codes in parallel runs | 9/1/1998 |
S. Rouge, I. Dor, G. Geffraye | Reactor vessel external cooling for corium retention SULTAN experimental program and modeling with CATHARE code | 3/1/1998 |
N. Messer, G. Lavialle, F. Barre | Analysis with the CATHARE code of a loss of RHRS during mid-loop operation at the BETHSY facility | 9/30/1997 |
| CATHARE applications to simulators : present status and future plans | 9/30/1997 |
A.A. Troshko, Y.A. Hassan | CATHARE code simulation of the BETHSY loss of residual heat removal test | 9/30/1997 |
| Validation of the DASM method used for sensitivity analysis and uncertainty evaluation in CATHARE2 | 9/30/1997 |
H. Pokharna, M. Mori, V. H. Ransom | Regularization of Two-Phase Flow Models: A Comparison of Numerical and Differential Approaches | 7/1/1997 |
J.J. Jeong, I. Dor, D. Bestion | Improvement and assessment of the CATHARE 2 three-dimensional module compared with the UPTF downcomer test 7 | 1/1/1997 |
D. Bestion, F. Barre, B. Faydide | Methodology, status and plans for development and assessment of CATHARE code | 11/5/1996 |
| Determination of the uncertainties of the constitutive relationships in the CATHARE 2 code | 3/10/1996 |
G. Geffraye, P. Bazin, P. Pichon, A. Bengaouer | CCFL in hot legs and steam generators and its prediction with the CATHARE code | 9/10/1995 |
| The multi-dimensional module of CATHARE 2. Description and application | 9/10/1995 |
| Analysis of UPTF downcomer tests with the CATHARE multidimensional model | 9/1/1994 |
| Assessment of the CATHARE 1D pump model | 9/1/1994 |
| Reflux condenser mode with non-condensible gas: assessment of Cathare against Bethsy test 7.2C | 9/1/1994 |
A. Ounsy, B. Brun, F. de Crecy | The adjoint sensitivity method, a contribution to the code uncertainty evaluation | 9/1/1994 |
J. Bartak, D. Bestion, T. Haapalehto | The top-down reflooding model in the CATHARE code | 9/1/1994 |
M. Bernard, M. Champ, R. Deruaz, J.C. Micaelli, A. Porracchia, G. Barois, J.L. Gandrille, J.L. Vacher, O. Weber | La thermohydraulique accidentelle : le programme Cathare-Bethsy | 6/1/1994 |
| Study on condensation modeling in the Cathare code with and without non condensible gas | 5/30/1994 |
| Simultaneous bottom and top-down rewetting calculations with the CATHARE code | 1/1/1994 |
F. Barre, M. Parent, B. Brun | Advanced numerical methods for thermalhydraulics | 11/2/1993 |
| Condensation modelling for ECC injection | 11/2/1993 |
| On the prediction of the flooding phenomenon with the CATHARE code | 10/5/1993 |
J.M. Kelly, J. Bartaz, A. Janicot | Reflood modelling under oscillatory flow conditions with CATHARE | 10/5/1993 |
L. Bregeon, J.M. Delbecq, A. Geranton, M. Rangdet, H. Sureau | Les simulateurs post-accidentels d'etude et de formation (SIPA) | 8/1/1992 |
T. Maciaszek, J. C. Micaelli | CATHARE phase separation modeling for small breaks in horizontal pipes with stratified flow | 12/1/1990 |
P. Bazin, P. Clement, R. Deruaz, D. Dumont, B. Noel | Investigation of PWR accident situations at BETHSY facility | 12/1/1990 |
| The CATHARE code strategy and assessment | 12/1/1990 |
| The physical closure laws in the CATHARE code | 12/1/1990 |
J.M. Agator, J.L. Chaze, A. Serki | SIPA: A new generation of nuclear power plant simulators for post-accident training and studies | 6/10/1990 |
J. Peltier, J.M. Bernard, F. Poizat, G. Oudot | Sipa, a real time system for post-accident training and studies | 3/12/1990 |
B. Brun, M. Parent, B. Spindler | Three-Dimensional two phase flow module of the code CATHARE 2 | 3/12/1990 |
| SIPA, a Training and Engineering Simulator and AGLAE, a Flexible Workshop for Model Generation | 1/1/1990 |
C. Housiadas, J. M. Veteau, R. Deruaz | Two-dimensional quench front progression in a multi-assembly rod bundle | 4/1/1989 |
T. Maciaszek, J. C. Micaelli, D. Bestion | Modelisation de l'autovaporisation dans le cadre d'un modele a deux fluides | 3/1/1988 |
F. Barre, Ch. Chauliac, B. Noel | Calculation of LOFT L3-5 experiment with CATHARE | 6/2/1987 |
D. Bestion, J.C. Micaelli | A two-fluid stratified model suitable for a pressurized water safety code | 12/15/1986 |
G. Houdayer, J. M. Miraucourt | CATHARE : Description, exemple de calcul d'un accident complet de reacteur PWR | 3/1/1984 |
| Le module de base du code CATHARE. Developpements physiques et performances | 3/1/1984 |
| Modelisation des volumes dans CATHARE | 3/1/1984 |
| Modelisations des ecoulements diphasiques dans les calculs d'accident de refroidissement des reacteurs nucleaires a eau sous pression. evolution et problemes poses dans les applications pratiques | 3/1/1984 |
| Modelisation des pompes en regime diphasique : Expose 3 | 3/1/1984 |
| Les ecoulements diphasiques et la surete des reacteurs nucleaires | 3/1/1984 |
| Modelisation des pompes en regime diphasique : Expose 1 | 3/1/1984 |
| Modelisation des pompes en regime diphasique : Expose 4 - Les travaux de l'Institut fran‡ais du petrole dans le domaine du pompage diphasique des effluents petroliers | 3/1/1984 |
| Les divers modeles d'ecoulements diphasiques gaz-liquide | 3/1/1984 |
| Modele d'ecoulement bidimensionnel a deux fluides | 3/1/1984 |
| Modelisation des pompes en regime diphasique : Expose 2 - Programme EVA et modelisation associee | 3/1/1984 |