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Published on 7 April 2020
M. Lanfredini, D. Bestion, F. D'Auria et al.
TPTF horizontal flow prediction by SYS-TH codes - Recent analyses made within the FONESYS network2/1/2023
A. Ciechocki, S. Carnevali, D. Bestion, L. Rossi
Scaling analyses of a SB-LOCA counterpart test between BETHSY and LSTF facilities and a three loops PWR12/15/2022
S. Shoala, E. Ercolani, J-M. Poncet, C. Hoa, F. Ayela
CATHARE modelling of the HELIOS loop for the study of heat transfer to supercritical helium flowing in pipes following loss of insulating vacuum9/1/2022
V. Martinez-Quirog et al.
OECD/NEA PKL-4 benchmark activity. Code assessment of the relevant phenomena associated to a blind IBLOCA experiment4/1/2022
A. Ciechocki, S. Carnevali, D. Bestion, L. Rossi
Application of the FSA scaling method to the LSTF ROSA 1.2 test and comparison to an application of the H2TS method3/1/2022
S. Carnevali, P. Fillion
Assessment of stratification and entrainment models in CATHARE 3 code against TPTF-H and Mantilla experiments3/1/2022
A. Du Cluzeau, P. Fillion
Validation of the CATHARE 3 code based on Rod Bundle Heat Transfer (RBHT) benchmark data using two-fluid and three-field models3/1/2022
T. Cadiou, E. Stratta
Multi-Scale study of an innovative safety system for Pressurized water reactors2/1/2022
A. Gerschenfeld
Towards more efficient implementations of multiscale thermal-hydraulics9/1/2021
J-M. Labit, N. Seiler, O. Clamens, E. Merle
Thermal-hydraulic two-phase modeling of reactivity-initiated transients with CATHARE2 - Application to SPERT-IV simulation9/1/2021
G. Damblin, A. Ghione
Adaptive use of replicated Latin Hypercube Designs for computing Sobol' sensitivity indices8/1/2021
A. Bousbia Salah
CATHARE simulation results of the natural circulation characterisation test of the PKL test facility5/1/2021
J-M. Labit, N. Seiler, O. Clamens, E. Merle
Transient heat exchanges under fast Reactivity-Initiated Accident3/1/2021
J-M. Labit, N. Seiler, O. Clamens, E. Merle
Multiphysics CATHARE2 modeling and experimental validation methodology against CABRI transients3/1/2021
J-M. Labit, N. Seiler, O. Clamens, E. Merle
Nusselt correlation development in unsteady laminar gas flows for CABRI multiphysic simulations with CATHARE23/1/2021
N. Marie, S. Li, A. Marrel, M. Marques, S. Bajard, A. Tosello, J. Perez, B. Grosjean, A. Gerschenfeld, M. Anderhuber, C. Geffray, Y. Gorsse, G. Mauger, L. Matteo
VVUQ of a thermal-hydraulic multi-scale tool on unprotected loss of flow accident in SFR reactor2/5/2021
G. Mauger, N. Tauveron
Modeling of a cold thermal energy storage for the flexibility of thermal power plants coupled to Brayton cycles1/1/2021
G. Mayer
Hot duct break transient with two- and three-loop ALLEGRO models12/15/2020
A. Bousbia Salah
CATHARE simulation results of the natural circulation characterisation test of the PKL test facility11/26/2020
R. Prea, P. Fillion, L. Matteo, G. Mauger, A. Mekkas
CATHARE-3 V2.1: The New Industrial Version of the CATHARE Code10/20/2020
J-M. Labit
Modelisation multiphysique des transitoires d'insertion de reactivite et methodologie de validation appliquee au reacteur CABRI10/15/2020
M. Lanfredini, D. Bestion, F. D Auria, N. Aksan, P. Fillion, P. Gaillard
Critical flow prediction by system codes - Recent analyses made within the FONESYS network9/1/2020
S. Sulayman, C. Hoa, E. Ercolani, J-M Poncet, K-C LeThanh, F. Dupouy
Adaptation of the nuclear safety code CATHARE3 to supercritical helium flow7/18/2020
N. Alpy, M. Anderhuber, A. Gerschenfeld, J. Perez-Manes
Some numerical achievements on Na boiling dynamics and next technical route7/15/2020
H. Espargilliere, G. Mauger, Q. Blondel, N. Tauveron, B. Gonzalez
Validation of organic Rankine cycle simulations under transient conditions with CATHARE-3 code6/29/2020
G. Damblin, P. Gaillard
Bayesian inference and non-linear extensions of the CIRCE method for quantifying the uncertainty of closure relationships integrated into thermal-hydraulic system codes4/1/2020
A.Grange, A.Marrel, J.B.Droin, F.Bertrand, O.Boutin, J.H.Ferrasse
Loss of off-site power transient analysis for a sodium-cooled fast reactor equipped with a gas power conversion system and preliminary optimisation of its operation12/15/2019
L. Matteo, G. Mauger, A. Dazin, N. Tauveron
Simulation of a Radial Pump Fast Startup and Analysis of the Loop Response Using a Transient 1D Mean Stream Line Based Model11/26/2019
N. Forgione, D. Martelli, G. Barone, F. Giannetti, P. Lorusso, T. Hollands
Post-test simulations for the NACIE-UP benchmark by STH codes11/1/2019
V. Narcisi, F. Giannetti, A. Del Nevo, F. Alcaro, A. Gerschenfeld
System thermal-hydraulic modelling of the phenix dissymmetric test benchmark11/1/2019
L. Matteo
Modelisation unidimensionnelle du comportement d'une pompe rotodynamique en fonctionnement normal et accidentel.10/17/2019
L. Matteo, G. Mauger, N. Tauveron
Modelling of a converging/diverging tube using CATHARE-3 two-phase flow system code for sodium cavitation studies9/17/2019
L. Matteo, G. Mauger, P. Gyomlai, A. Dazin, N. Tauveron
A rotodynamic pump seizure transient simulated using the CATHARE-3 one-dimensional pump model8/18/2019
A. Bousbia Salah, J. Martin
CATHARE 3D Modeling Capability of a Small-Scale Pool Test Rig Experiments8/18/2019
P. Fillion
Development of the CATHARE 3 Three-Field Model for Simulations in Large Diameter Horizontal Pipes8/18/2019
C. Geffray, C. Koren
Development, Verification and Validation of the Multi-Scale CATHARE - NEPTUNE_CFD Coupling8/18/2019
G. Mauger, M. Hochart, B. Grosjean, P. Taraud, B. Morassano
Modelling of the DIADEMO Experiment with the CATHARE Code for ASTRID Gas Power Conversion System Studies8/18/2019
D. Pialla, M. Ludmann, K. Vareille
Preliminary Tasks to Integrate CATHARE_2 3D Reactor Vessel Module in Real-Time Simulators at EDF/DT8/18/2019
M. Anderhuber, A. Gerschenfeld, Y. Gorsse, N. Alpy, C. Latge, J. Perez-Manes
Prospects for a CEA and ROSATOM/IPPE collaborative program on Na boiling for GEN IV SFRs safety rationale and thermal-hydraulic preparatory work8/18/2019
T. Lopez, L. Matteo, D. Bestion
Validation of a Drift-Flux Model Used in the CATHARE Code for Rod Bundle Geometry at Low Pressure and Low Liquid Flow Conditions8/18/2019
R. Prea
Validation of Cathare 3D Module on LSTF Core8/18/2019
L. Matteo, F. Cerru, A. Dazin, N. Tauveron
Investigation of the pump, dissipation and inverse turbine operating modes using the CATHARE-3 one-dimensional rotodynamic pump model7/28/2019
L. Matteo, A. Dazin, N. Tauveron
Modelling of a centrifugal pump using the CATHARE-3 one-dimensional transient rotodynamic pump model6/27/2019
M. Vernassiere, P. Fillion, D. Bestion
A mechanistic flashing model for critical flowrate prediction using CATHARE 3 system code5/15/2019
L. Matteo, G. Mauger, A. Dazin, N. Tauveron
Qualification of the CATHARE-3 one-dimensional transient rotodynamic pump model on DERAP two-phase cavitating tests5/12/2019
B. Kvizda, G. Mayer, P. V cha, J. Malesa, A. Siwiec, A. Vasile, S. Bebjak, B. Hatala
ALLEGRO Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) demonstrator thermal hydraulic benchmark4/15/2019
L. Matteo, G. Mauger, A. Dazin, N. Tauveron
Modelling of a radial pump fast startup with the CATHARE-3 code and analyse of the loop response4/7/2019
G. Mauger, N. Tauveron, F. Bentivoglio, A. Ruby
On the dynamic modeling of Brayton cycle power conversion systems with the CATHARE-3 code2/1/2019
L. Matteo, A. Dazin, N. Tauveron
Development and validation of a one-dimensional transient rotodynamic pump model at component scale9/17/2018
M. Spirzewski, H. Anglart
An improved phenomenological model of annular two-phase flow with high-accuracy dryout prediction capability5/1/2018
J.-B. Droin, V. Pascal, P. Gauthe, F. Bertrand, G. Mauger
CATHARE3 transient analysis of an innovative Power Conversion System based on the Brayton cycle modelled with real gas Equations Of State4/8/2018
P. Gaillard, M.G. Rodio
A general thermal stratification criterion for single and two-phase flows in a pipe after subcooled injection4/1/2018
G. Hu, T. Kozlowski
A roe-type numerical solver for the two-phase two-fluid six-equation model with realistic equation of state1/1/2018
A. Rousset, R. Baviere, V. Vuillerme
Development and application of a multi-domain dynamic model for direct steam generation solar power plant1/1/2018
N. Chikhi, F. Fichot, A. Swaidan
Effect of water entrainment on the coolability of a debris bed surrounded by a by-pass: Integral reflood experiments and modelling12/1/2017
P.Battistoni, D.Tarabelli, L.Ferry, C.Gonnier, S.Manservisi, M.Sumini
Thermal-hydraulic analysis of the LORELEI test design by means of CATHARE2 V2.510/1/2017
R. Prea, V. Figerou, A. Mekkas, A. Ruby
CATHARE 3 : A first computation of a 3 inch break Loss-Of-Coolant Accident using using both Cartesian and cylindrical 3D-meshes modeling of a PWR vessel9/3/2017
M. Anderhuber, J. Perez, N. Alpy
Validation of CATHARE 3 system code for sodium two phase flow application: R&D path and simulation of key test from the SIENA program9/3/2017
A.Kovtonyuk, S.Lutsanych, F.Morettia, F.D'Auria
Development and assessment of a method for evaluating uncertainty of input parameters9/1/2017
T. Alku
Modelling of turbulent effects in LOCA conditions with CATHARE-39/1/2017
S. Lutsanych, F. Moretti, F. D'Auria
Validation of the CATHARE 1-D and 3-D reflood models against FEBA and ACHILLES experimental tests9/1/2017
E. Bubelis, A. Tosello, W. Pfrang, M. Schikorr, J. Wallenius
System codes benchmarking on a low sodium void effect SFR heterogeneous core under ULOF conditions8/15/2017
A. Ghione, B. Noel, P. Vinai, C. Demaziere
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for the simulation of a station blackout scenario in the Jules Horowitz Reactor6/1/2017
G. Mignot, E. Royer, B. Rameau, N. Todorova
Computation of a BWR Turbine Trip with CATHARE-CRONOS2-FLICA4 Coupled Codes4/10/2017
A. Bousbia Salah, J. Vlassenbroeck
Unsteady Single-Phase Natural Circulation Flow Mixing Prediction Using CATHARE Three-Dimensional Capabilities4/1/2017
R.Pegonen, S.Bourdon, C.Gonnier, H.Anglart
An improved thermal-hydraulic modeling of the Jules Horowitz Reactor using the CATHARE2 system code1/1/2017
F. Bertrand, G. Mauger, M. Bensalah, P. Gauthe
Transient behavior of ASTRID with a gas power conversion system11/1/2016
M. Pawluczyk, P. Mazgaj, S. Gurgacz, M. Gatkowski, P. Darnowski
Loss of Coolant Accident in Pressurized Water Reactor. Prediction of a 6-inch Cold Leg Break with Relap5 and Cathare 21/1/2016
N. Alpy, P. Marsault, M. Anderhuber, A. Gerschenfeld, P. Sciora, D. Kadri
Phenomenological Investigation of Sodium Boiling in a SFR Core during a postulated ULOF Transient with CATHARE 2 System Code: a Stabilized Boiling Case10/13/2015
J. Perez, N. Alpy, D. Juhel, D. Bestion
CATHARE 2 simulations of steady state air/water tests performed in a 1:1 scale SFR sub-assembly mock-up9/1/2015
G. Mauger, F. Bentivoglio, N. Tauveron
Description of an Improved Turbomachinery Model to be Developed in the CATHARE 3 code for ASTRID Power Conversion System8/30/2015
D. Bestion, L. Matteo
Scaling considerations about LWR core thermalhydraulics8/30/2015
M. Anderhuber, A. Gerschenfeld, N. Alpy, J. Perez, J. M. Seiler
Simulation of GR19 sodium boiling experiments with CATHARE 2 system code and Trio UúMC subchannel code8/30/2015
D. Bestion
System Thermalhydraulics for DBA analysis and simulation status of tools and methods and direction for future R&D8/30/2015
P. Gaillard, D. Bestion, I. Dor, P. Germain, F. Moutin
The CATHARE code condensation modelling confronted to the TOPFLOW-PTS steady-state experiments8/30/2015
Y. Di Pasquale, R. Freitas
Validation of CATHARE 3 code on the PIEROT experiment8/30/2015
S. Carnevali, P. Bazin
Validation of CATHARE code on the 3D ROSA-LSTF pressure vessel8/30/2015
S. Lutsanych, F. Moretti, F. D'Auria
Validation of CATHARE TH-SYS code against experimental reflood tests8/30/2015
M.S. Chenaud, S. Li, M. Anderhuber, L. Matteo, A. Gerschenfeld
Computational thermal hydraulic schemes for SFR transient studies8/28/2015
D. Pialla, D. Tenchine, S. Li, P. Gauthe, X. Cheng
Overview of the system alone and system/CFD coupled calculations of the PHENIX Natural Circulation Test within the THINS project8/15/2015
G. Mayer, F. Bentivoglio
Preliminary study of the decay heat removal strategy for the gas demonstrator allegro5/1/2015
S. Lutsanych, L. Sabotinov, F. D'Auria
Critical power prediction by CATHARE2 of the OECD/NRC BFBT benchmark3/1/2015
G. Bandini, M. Polidori, A. Gerschenfeld, D. Pialla, L. Maas
Assessment of systems codes and their coupling with CFD codes in thermal-hydraulic applications to innovative reactors1/1/2015
R. Pegonen, S. Bourdon, C. Gonnier, H. Anglart
A review of the current thermal-hydraulic modeling of the Jules Horowitz Reactor: A loss of flow accident analysis12/1/2014
A. Hainoun, A. Doval, P. Umbehaun, S. Chatzidakis, A. Shokr
International benchmark study of advanced thermal hydraulic safety analysis codes against measurements on IEA-R1 research reactor12/1/2014
L. Fernandez-Moguel, C. Bals, E. Beuzet, C. Bratfisch, P. Vryashkova
SARNET2 benchmark on air ingress experiments QUENCH-1012/1/2014
G. Grasso, C. Petrovich, D. Mattioli, C. Artioli, K. Mikityuk
The core design of ALFRED, a demonstrator for the European lead-cooled reactors10/15/2014
R. Baviere, N. Tauveron, F. Perdu, E. Garre, S. Li
A first system/CFD coupled simulation of a complete nuclear reactor transient using CATHARE2 and TRIO_U. Preliminary validation on the Phenix Reactor Natural Circulation Test10/1/2014
Z. Perko, D. Lathouwers, J. L. Kloosterman, T. van der Hagen
Large scale applicability of a Fully Adaptive Non-Intrusive Spectral Projection technique: Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of a transient9/1/2014
L. Foucher, F. Cousin, J. Fleurot, S. Brethes
Assessment on 900-1300 MWe PWRs of the ASTEC-based simulation tool of SGTR thermal-hydraulics for the IRSN Emergency Technical Centre6/1/2014
A. Bousbia Salah, J. Vlassenbroeck
Assessment of the CATHARE 3D capabilities in predicting the temperature mixing under asymmetric buoyant driven flow conditions12/1/2013
P. Ruyer, N. Seiler, B. Biton, F. Lelong, M. Gradeck
Two-phase flow across a partially damaged core during the reflood phase of a loca11/1/2013
D. Mladin, M. Mladin, A. Toma, C. Dulama, S. Covaci
Calculation of radioactive species transport in a TRIGA reactor9/1/2013
D. Bestion, M. Chandesris, I. Dor, G. Serre, M. Valette
Developpements en double phase. 3D-Poreux de CATHARE1/1/2013
B. Faydide, J.L. Vacher, J.Y. Sauvage, P. Dufeil
Modelisation Physique: CATHARE dans les simulateurs1/1/2013
P. Dufeil
Le simulateur SOFIA ses utilisations a l'IRSN pour la surete1/1/2013
D. Tenchine, D. Pialla, P. Gauthe, A. Vasile
Natural convection test in Phenix reactor and associated CATHARE calculation12/1/2012
F. Bertrand, C. Bassi, F. Bentivoglio, F .Audubert, C. Gueneau, G. Rimpault
Synthesis of the safety studies carried out on the GFR240012/1/2012
N. Chikhi, J. Fleurot
Revisiting the QUENCH-11 integral reflood test with a new thermal-hydraulic model: Existence of a minimum injection rate11/1/2012
N. Chikhi, N. G. Nguyen, J. Fleurot
Determination of the hydrogen source term during the reflooding of an overheated core: Calculation results of the integral reflood test QUENCH-03 with PWR-type bundle9/1/2012
M. Valette
Analysis of subchannel and rod bundle PSBT experiments with CATHARE 38/29/2012
G. Geffraye, V. Kalitvianski, L. Maas, P. Meloni, F. Cocheme
CATHARE 2 code validation on HE-FUS3 loop8/1/2012
J. Vallory, H. Boyer, F. Moreno, D. Kadri
Overview of the specialist assessments undertaken to support the JET safety case review8/1/2012
N. Tauveron, F. Bentivoglio
Preliminary design and study of the indirect coupled cycle: CATHARE2 transient results5/1/2012
D. Tenchine, R. Baviere, P. Bazin, F. Ducros, N. Tauveron
Status of CATHARE code for sodium cooled fast reactors4/1/2012
A. Epiney, N. Alpy, K. Mikityuk, R. Chawla
A standalone decay heat removal device for the Gas-cooled Fast Reactor for intermediate to atmospheric pressure conditions1/1/2012
G. Bandini, P. Meloni, M. Polidori, C. Lombardo
Validation of CATHARE V2.5 thermal-hydraulic code against full-scale PERSEO tests for decay heat removal in LWRs12/1/2011
G. Geffraye, O. Antoni, M. Farvacque, D. Kadri, A. Ruby
CATHARE 2 V2.5_2: A single version for various applications11/1/2011
P. Emonot, A. Souyri, J. L. Gandrille, F. Barre
CATHARE-3: A new system code for thermal-hydraulics in the context of the NEPTUNE project11/1/2011
M. Valette, J. Pouvreau, D. Bestion, P. Emonot
Revisiting large break LOCA with the CATHARE-3 three-field model11/1/2011
N.Tauveron, I.Dor, F.Bentivoglio
Study of nitrogen injection to enhance forced convection for gas fast reactors9/1/2011
F. Bertrand, T. Germain, F. Bentivoglio, F. Bonnet, Q. Moyart, P. Aujollet
Safety study of the coupling of a VHTR with a hydrogen production plant7/1/2011
Yu Zvonarev, A. Volchek, V. Kobzar, P. Chatelard, J. P. Van Dorsselaere
ASTEC and ICARE/CATHARE modelling improvement for VVERs4/1/2011
C. Bassi, Ph.Azria, M.Balmain
Level 1 probabilistic safety assessment to support the design of the CEA 2400 MWth gas-cooled fast reactor11/1/2010
M. Burger, M. Buck, G. Pohlner, S. Rahman, K. Atkhen
Coolability of particulate beds in severe accidents: Status and remaining uncertainties1/1/2010
A. Auvinen, G. Brillant, N. Davidovich, R. Dickson, N. Ver
Progress on ruthenium release and transport under air ingress conditions12/1/2008
F. Bentivoglio, N. Tauveron, G. Geffraye, H. Gentner
Validation of the CATHARE2 code against experimental data from Brayton cycle plants11/1/2008
N. Seiler, F. Bertrand, O. Marchand, G. Repetto, S. Ederli
Investigations on boron carbide oxidation for nuclear reactors safety-General modelling for ICARE/CATHARE code applications4/1/2008
F. Bentivoglio, N. Tauveron
Validation of the Cathare2 code against Oberhausen II data1/2/2008
E. Bubelis, D. Castelliti, P. Coddington, I. Dor, R. Stainsby
A GFR benchmark: Comparison of transient analysis codes based on the ETDR concept1/1/2008
E. Studer, A. Beccantini, S. Gounand, F. Dabbene, J. C. Garnier
CAST3M/ARCTURUS: A coupled heat transfer CFD code for thermal-hydraulic analyzes of gas cooled reactors9/1/2007
P. Dumaz, P. Allegre, C. Bassi, T. Cadiou, A. Tosello
Gas-cooled fast reactors-Status of CEA preliminary design studies6/1/2007
A. Guelfi, D. Bestion, M. Boucker, P. Boudier, P. Fillion, M. Grandotto
NEPTUNE: A new software platform for advanced nuclear thermal hydraulics1/1/2007
S. Mimouni, A. Archer, J. Lavieville, M. Boucker, N. Mechitoua
Modelisation et simulation des ecoulements cavitants par une approche diphasique12/1/2006
N. Kolev, N. Petrov, B. Ivanov, K. Ivanov
Simulation of the VVER-1000 pump start-up experiment of the OECD V1000CT benchmark with CATHARE and TRAC-PF111/1/2006
F. Fichot, F. Duval, N. Tregoures, C. Bechaud, M. Quintard
The impact of thermal non-equilibrium and large-scale 2D/3D effects on debris bed reflooding and coolability10/1/2006
J. P. Van Dorsselaere, F. Fichot, J. M. Seiler
Views on R&D needs about in-vessel reflooding issues, with a focus on debris coolability10/1/2006
M. Saez, N. Tauveron, T. Chataing, G. Geffraye, N. Alborghetti
Analysis of the turbine deblading in an HTGR with the CATHARE code3/1/2006
N. Tauveron, M. Saez, M. Marchand, T. Chataing, C. Bassi
Transient thermal-hydraulic simulations of direct cycle gas cooled reactors12/1/2005
G. Geffraye, F. Bentivoglio, A. Messie, A. Ruby, M. Saez, N. Tauveron, O. Widlund
Overview of gas cooled reactors' applications with CATHARE10/2/2005
D. Bestion, A. Guelfi
Multiscale analysis of nuclear reactors thermal-hydraulics - the Neptune project10/1/2005
S. Jayanti, M. Valette
Calculation of dry out and post-dry out heat transfer in rod bundles using a three field model4/1/2005
P.Dumaz, G.Geffraye, V.Kalitvianski, E.Verloo
The DEEPSSI project, design, testing and modeling of steam injectors2/1/2005
S. Jayanti, M. Valette
Prediction of dryout and post-dryout heat transfer at high pressures using a one-dimensional three-fluid model10/1/2004
F. Fichot, B. Adroguer, A. Volchek, Y. Zvonarev
Advanced treatment of zircaloy cladding high-temperature oxidation in severe accident code calculations: Part III. Verification against representative transient tests7/1/2004
P. Marsault, C. Renault, G. Rimpault, P. Dumaz, O. Antoni
Pre-design studies of SCWR in fast neutron spectrum: evaluation of operating conditions and analysis of the behaviour in accidental situations6/13/2004
W. Yao, C. Morel
Volumetric interfacial area prediction in upward bubbly two-phase flow1/1/2004
C. Sarrette, D. Bestion
Study of release of nitrogen gas dissolved in water during depressurisation-application to primary circuit of PWR10/1/2003
A. Ruby, O. Antoni, V. Creach, P. Dufeil, C. Rose, F. Iffenecker
Quest for the real-time for the safety analysis code CATHARE 2 used in the post-accident simulator SIPA9/22/2003
N. Tauveron
Thermal fluctuations in the lower plenum of an high temperature reactor6/1/2003
O. Antoni, P. Dumaz
Preliminary calculations of a supercritical light water reactor concept using the CATHARE code5/4/2003
A. de Crecy
Determination of the uncertainties of the constitutive relationships in the CALTHARE 2 code9/1/2001
S .Mimouni, G. Serre
List of benchmarks for simulation tools of steam-water two-phase flows4/8/2001
G. Serre, D. Bestion
Two-phase water-hammer simulation with the CATHARE code4/8/2001
L. N. Topilski, X. Masson, M. T. Porfiri, T. Pinna, C. Girard
Validation and benchmarking in support of ITER-FEAT safety analysis4/1/2001
J. Tuunanen, J. Vihavainen, F. D'Auria, M. Frogheri, T. G Williams
Analyses of PACTEL passive safety injection experiments with APROS, CATHARE and RELAP5 codes6/1/2000
G. Geffraye, B. Faydide, S. Laroche, G. Ratel
Analysis of the Mhyresa hot leg entrainment tests4/2/2000
M. Misale, M. Frogheri, F. D'Auria, E. Fontani, A. Garcia
Analysis of single-phase natural circulation experiments by system codes12/1/1999
T. Chataing, P. Clement, J. Excoffon
A general correlation for steam condensation in case of wavy laminar flow along vertical tubes10/3/1999
D. Bestion, C. Morel
Strategy for improving two-phase 3D modelling for nuclear safety applications10/3/1999
C. Morel, D. Bestion
Validation of the CATHARE code against PERICLES 2D boil-up tests10/3/1999
C. Morel, P. Boudier
Validation of the CATHARE code against PERICLES 2D reflooding tests10/3/1999
P. Sardain, M. Porporat, J. M. Gatt, G. Marbach
Applications of the CATHARE and CONTAIN codes in parallel runs9/1/1998
S. Rouge, I. Dor, G. Geffraye
Reactor vessel external cooling for corium retention SULTAN experimental program and modeling with CATHARE code3/1/1998
N. Messer, G. Lavialle, F. Barre
Analysis with the CATHARE code of a loss of RHRS during mid-loop operation at the BETHSY facility9/30/1997
B. Faydide
CATHARE applications to simulators : present status and future plans9/30/1997
A.A. Troshko, Y.A. Hassan
CATHARE code simulation of the BETHSY loss of residual heat removal test9/30/1997
C. Perret, F. Barre
Validation of the DASM method used for sensitivity analysis and uncertainty evaluation in CATHARE29/30/1997
H. Pokharna, M. Mori, V. H. Ransom
Regularization of Two-Phase Flow Models: A Comparison of Numerical and Differential Approaches7/1/1997
J.J. Jeong, I. Dor, D. Bestion
Improvement and assessment of the CATHARE 2 three-dimensional module compared with the UPTF downcomer test 71/1/1997
D. Bestion, F. Barre, B. Faydide
Methodology, status and plans for development and assessment of CATHARE code11/5/1996
A. de Crecy
Determination of the uncertainties of the constitutive relationships in the CATHARE 2 code3/10/1996
G. Geffraye, P. Bazin, P. Pichon, A. Bengaouer
CCFL in hot legs and steam generators and its prediction with the CATHARE code9/10/1995
F. Barre, I. Dor, C. Sun
The multi-dimensional module of CATHARE 2. Description and application9/10/1995
I. Dor
Analysis of UPTF downcomer tests with the CATHARE multidimensional model9/1/1994
G. Geffraye, D. Bestion
Assessment of the CATHARE 1D pump model9/1/1994
B. Noel, R. Deruaz
Reflux condenser mode with non-condensible gas: assessment of Cathare against Bethsy test 7.2C9/1/1994
A. Ounsy, B. Brun, F. de Crecy
The adjoint sensitivity method, a contribution to the code uncertainty evaluation9/1/1994
J. Bartak, D. Bestion, T. Haapalehto
The top-down reflooding model in the CATHARE code9/1/1994
M. Bernard, M. Champ, R. Deruaz, J.C. Micaelli, A. Porracchia, G. Barois, J.L. Gandrille, J.L. Vacher, O. Weber
La thermohydraulique accidentelle : le programme Cathare-Bethsy6/1/1994
D. Bestion, P. Coste
Study on condensation modeling in the Cathare code with and without non condensible gas5/30/1994
J. Bartak, T. Haapalehto
Simultaneous bottom and top-down rewetting calculations with the CATHARE code1/1/1994
F. Barre, M. Parent, B. Brun
Advanced numerical methods for thermalhydraulics11/2/1993
A. Janicot, D. Bestion
Condensation modelling for ECC injection11/2/1993
R. Freitas, D. Bestion
On the prediction of the flooding phenomenon with the CATHARE code10/5/1993
J.M. Kelly, J. Bartaz, A. Janicot
Reflood modelling under oscillatory flow conditions with CATHARE10/5/1993
L. Bregeon, J.M. Delbecq, A. Geranton, M. Rangdet, H. Sureau
Les simulateurs post-accidentels d'etude et de formation (SIPA)8/1/1992
T. Maciaszek, J. C. Micaelli
CATHARE phase separation modeling for small breaks in horizontal pipes with stratified flow12/1/1990
P. Bazin, P. Clement, R. Deruaz, D. Dumont, B. Noel
Investigation of PWR accident situations at BETHSY facility12/1/1990
F. Barre, M. Bernard
The CATHARE code strategy and assessment12/1/1990
D. Bestion
The physical closure laws in the CATHARE code12/1/1990
J.M. Agator, J.L. Chaze, A. Serki
SIPA: A new generation of nuclear power plant simulators for post-accident training and studies6/10/1990
J. Peltier, J.M. Bernard, F. Poizat, G. Oudot
Sipa, a real time system for post-accident training and studies3/12/1990
B. Brun, M. Parent, B. Spindler
Three-Dimensional two phase flow module of the code CATHARE 23/12/1990
C. Mathey, A. Valembois
SIPA, a Training and Engineering Simulator and AGLAE, a Flexible Workshop for Model Generation1/1/1990
C. Housiadas, J. M. Veteau, R. Deruaz
Two-dimensional quench front progression in a multi-assembly rod bundle4/1/1989
T. Maciaszek, J. C. Micaelli, D. Bestion
Modelisation de l'autovaporisation dans le cadre d'un modele a deux fluides3/1/1988
F. Barre, Ch. Chauliac, B. Noel
Calculation of LOFT L3-5 experiment with CATHARE6/2/1987
D. Bestion, J.C. Micaelli
A two-fluid stratified model suitable for a pressurized water safety code12/15/1986
G. Houdayer, J. M. Miraucourt
CATHARE : Description, exemple de calcul d'un accident complet de reacteur PWR3/1/1984
J. C. Rousseau
Le module de base du code CATHARE. Developpements physiques et performances3/1/1984
J. M. Miraucourt
Modelisation des volumes dans CATHARE3/1/1984
R. Pochard, M. Reocreux
Modelisations des ecoulements diphasiques dans les calculs d'accident de refroidissement des reacteurs nucleaires a eau sous pression. evolution et problemes poses dans les applications pratiques3/1/1984
M. Grison
Modelisation des pompes en regime diphasique : Expose 33/1/1984
R. Semeria
Les ecoulements diphasiques et la surete des reacteurs nucleaires3/1/1984
M. F. de Crecy
Modelisation des pompes en regime diphasique : Expose 13/1/1984
M. Arnaudeau
Modelisation des pompes en regime diphasique : Expose 4 - Les travaux de l'Institut fran‡ais du petrole dans le domaine du pompage diphasique des effluents petroliers3/1/1984
J.M. Delhaye
Les divers modeles d'ecoulements diphasiques gaz-liquide3/1/1984
P. Gully, F. Werkoff
Modele d'ecoulement bidimensionnel a deux fluides3/1/1984
M. Grandjean
Modelisation des pompes en regime diphasique : Expose 2 - Programme EVA et modelisation associee3/1/1984
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