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Antoine Bittard du Cluzeau

Research Engineer, PhD

Antoine du Cluzeau holds a research master's degree in fluid mechanics from Pierre et Marie Curie university and Ecole Polytechnique. In 2016, he joined the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) for its PhD on simulations and physical modelling of bubbly flows from Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS). In 2019, he joined the CATHARE team to work on physical modelling (flux partitioning, critical heat flux, dryout, turbulence).


Validation of the CATHARE 3 code based on Rod Bundle Heat Transfer (RBHT) benchmark data using two-fluid and three-field modelsProceedings of NURETH-19, Belgium3/1/2022


Modelling of the laminar dispersion force in bubbly flows from direct numerical simulations, Physics of Fluids 32, 2020

On bubble forces in turbulent channel flows from direct numerical simulations, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 882, 2020

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Center : Paris-Saclay