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Bernard Faydide

Retired from CEA

Bernard Faydide held an engineering diploma (master's degree). He is graduated from "Ecole Centrale de Paris (ECP)", France, with specialization in Thermal process.

He joined the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) in Grenoble, France, as a thermalhydraulics research engineer in 1979, within the joined team (CEA, EDF, Framatome) at the very beginning of CATHARE 1 code development. In 1983, he took part in the works to develop an optimized version Cathare-Simu suitable for training and engineering simulators applications. Then, in 1986, he took part in the BETHSY experimental program as a member of the BETHSY test engineers team.

In 1997, he took in charge the management of the Laboratory dealing with CATHARE 2 development and validation before having, in 2004, the responsibility of the ThermalHydraulics Simulation Section in Grenoble. He has been involved, since 2011, in the transfer of Thermalhydraulics activities from Grenoble to Saclay CEA center as the Head of the ThermalHydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Section and then, as NEPTUNE project manager, before being retired in 2019



Modelisation Physique: CATHARE dans les simulateursSimulateurs et reacteurs, Numero 41/1/2013
Analysis of the Mhyresa hot leg entrainment testsProceedings of ICONE 8, USA4/2/2000
CATHARE applications to simulators : present status and future plansProceedings of NURETH 8, Japan9/30/1997
Methodology, status and plans for development and assessment of CATHARE codeProceedings of OECD-CSNI, USA11/5/1996


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