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Florian Guillou

Research Engineer, PhD

Florian Guillou is a research engineer who joined the CATHARE team at CEA – Université Paris-Saclay in 2018. He originally studied in the field of aviation gas turbines, with a PhD in aerothermal simulation from Onera, and both a MSc in thermal power from Cranfield Uni. and an Eng. degree in power and propulsion from INSA Rouen.

The start of his « nuclear energy-oriented » career dates back to 2014 when he worked for IRSN on the design of a spent fuel pool experiment. After several other studies that notably include some CATHARE 3 code benchmarks, he now contributes to improve the models used within the CATHARE 3 code, and to ensure its physics validation for use within nuclear safety studies. He recently focused on the modelling of 3D phenomena occuring in PWR downcomers during LOCA. This included several separate effect tests and upscaling studies from CFD codes in collaboration with EDF and FRAMATOME. He is also a member of the CATHARE teaching team at CEA.

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Center : Paris-Saclay