Ignacio GOMEZ-GARCIA-TORANO obtained a degree in Industrial Engineering from "Universidad Politécnica de Madrid" (UPM). Then, he joined Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) to do a PhD thesis on the topic of Severe Accident Management (SAM) for PWRs. His thesis was embedded in the EU FP7 CESAM project (2013-2017) and contributed to the development of in-vessel SAM measures under extreme plant conditions using the ASTEC integral severe accident code. Afterwards, he joined the ASTEC development team at the Institut de Radioprotection et Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN, Cadarache). In the frame of a two-year postdoc, he contributed to the validation of the CESAR thermal-hydraulic module and to the development of a comprehensive reflooding model valid for intact, partially and severely degraded cores. Finally, he joined the CATHARE development team at Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA, Saclay) in July 2019. Since then, his activities have aimed at assessing the performance of passive containment cooling systems (PCCS) in EPR and SMR reactor designs by means of CATHARE3 calculations. He is taking active part in the EU H2020 ELSMOR project (2019-2023) and soon in the EU H2020 PASTELS project. Moreover, Ignacio is actively involved in the International Youth Nuclear Congress (IYNC) global network since 2016, where he holds the position of Technical Program Chair for the IYNC 2022 conference in Sochi, Russia.