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Jean-Marc Labit

Research Engineer, PhD

Jean-Marc Labit holds an engineering degree in nuclear energy engineering from Grenoble INP (Phelma), France. After a first work experience as thermalhydraulics engineer, he worked on CABRI experiments multiphysics modelling during a PhD obtained in 2020. In 2021, he joined the CATHARE team to work on physical modelling (flux partitioning, critical heat flux, interfacial heat transfer, post-dryout heat exchanges…).


Thermal-hydraulic two-phase modeling of reactivity-initiated transients with CATHARE2 - Application to SPERT-IV simulationNuclear Engineering and Design,381:1113109/1/2021
Transient heat exchanges under fast Reactivity-Initiated AccidentNuclear Engineering and Design,373:1109173/1/2021
Multiphysics CATHARE2 modeling and experimental validation methodology against CABRI transientsNuclear Engineering and Design,373:1108363/1/2021
Nusselt correlation development in unsteady laminar gas flows for CABRI multiphysic simulations with CATHARE2Nuclear Engineering and Design,373:1110323/1/2021
Modelisation multiphysique des transitoires d'insertion de reactivite et methodologie de validation appliquee au reacteur CABRIPhD Thesis, Universite Grenoble Alpes10/15/2020


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Center : Paris-Saclay