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Maxime Vernassiere

Research Engineer

Vernassière Maxime studied nuclear engineering at Grenoble-INP, France, from 2015-2017, then he graduated with a master degree. In 2017, he did an internship at the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), during which he worked on the development and the validation of a flashing mechanistic model in CATHARE thermal-hydraulics system code. After that, he joined the CEA as a thermal-hydraulics research engineer in 2017 to take part in development and validation of new physical models for CATHARE. Namely he performed the validation of new critical heat flux lookup tables in CATHARE, and also pursued his work on flashing. Currently, he is involved in development and validation of CATHARE for NUWARD, the french small modular reactor project and for the new passive systems.


A mechanistic flashing model for critical flowrate prediction using CATHARE 3 system codeProceedings of  ICAPP 2019, France5/15/2019


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Center : Paris-Saclay